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Dental Health Updated: 25 May 2024

When Can I Eat Rice After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a joint mouth surgery that removes wisdom teeth that are stuck or causing problems. This is how the process and repair are broken down:


  • Anaesthesia: Local or general anaesthesia will numb the area or put you to sleep during the procedure.

  • Extraction: The oral surgeon will cut the gum tissue and remove the wisdom tooth. It's possible to stitch up the hole.


  • Swelling and pain: Your mouth and cheeks will swell and hurt for the first few days.

  • Diet: You should only eat soft things for the first few days after the extraction.

  • Rest: Let your body heal by taking it easy for at least three to five days.

Importance of Diet

A healthy food is essential for a quick recovery. It gives your body the nutrients it needs to heal and avoid problems like infections.

Rice after Surgery

Soft, cooked white rice can help you feel better after surgery, but you should wait at least 24 hours before eating it. This lets the first clot form at the spot of the extraction. [1]

Additional Tips

  • Eat soft things like applesauce, yoghurt, and mashed potatoes for the first few days.

  • As your mouth heals, slowly add more solid things.

  • Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water after each meal to keep your teeth clean.

  • Do everything your mouth surgeon tells you to do after surgery.

In short, this is a broad look. Always talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about getting your wisdom teeth taken out and how to heal.

Rice After Wisdom Teeth Removal: A Soft Food Ally

You can eat soft, cooked rice after wisdom teeth removal, but timing is essential. Let's break down the different dietary stages after surgery and explore the benefits of rice during the crucial soft food stage.

Dietary Phases After Wisdom Teeth Removal

  • Initial Liquid Diet (1-2 days): This phase focuses on clear drinks like water, broth, and diluted fruit juices. It permits the first clot to form at the extraction site without harm from eating.

  • Soft Food Phase (3–7 days): This is the best time for cooking soft rice. Here, you can start giving them things that don't need much chewing and won't bother the healing socket.

Why soft, cooked rice is good for recovery

  • Easy for Chew to Understand: Chewing soft, cooked rice doesn't take much work, putting less pressure on the extraction site and making it less painful.

  • Offers Important Nutrients: Carbs are the body's primary energy source, and rice has many. Your body needs this energy to heal while you're recovering. On top of that, white rice has minerals and B vitamins that are good for your health.[2]

Extra Tips 

  • Rice is usually safe to eat after 24 hours but talk to your dentist or oral surgeon for specific advice based on your case.

  • Start with small amounts of well-cooked rice and watch for any pain.

  • Avoid brown rice and other whole grains with bran because they can be rough on the wound and worsen it.

  • Mix rice with healthy, soft foods like mashed potatoes, fried eggs, or steamed fish for a complete meal.

Following your dentist's dietary advice is essential to taking good care of yourself and recovering quickly. Soft, cooked rice can be an excellent addition to your diet after surgery because it can help you feel better and give you the necessary nutrients.

When to eat rice after getting your wisdom teeth taken out

Always follow the specific food instructions your dentist or oral surgeon gives you after surgery. They will look at your particular case and how well you are improving. Soft foods like well-cooked white rice can be eaten two to three days after surgery to remove wisdom teeth.

Suppose you give rice to your baby too soon (within the first 24 hours). In that case, it can hurt the extraction site and possibly move the blood clot, essential for healing and keeping the infection away.

Focus on a clear liquid diet for the first one to two days after surgery so that the first clot can form without harm. At this point in the healing process, soft foods like rice become vital because they provide essential nutrients without slowing down the process.

Just remember that this is a general rule. Always do what your doctor tells you to for a safe and quick recovery.

Safe Ways to Eat Rice After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Taken Out: A Guide to Softness

While your wisdom teeth heal, soft, cooked rice can be a lifesaver. You should pay attention to the thickness to make it safer and more comfortable. Here are some ideas:

The key word is "mush": You want the rice to be soft and mushy. It's more like a creamy cereal than separate grains. This makes it easier to chew and lowers the risk of hurting the area where the tooth was extracted.

Make it. Slow and low: Make sure your rice is fully cooked. You can use brown or white rice. To ensure the grains are soft and easy to swallow, cook them for longer or use a rice maker. Get rid of the crunch: Do not eat complicated, crunchy rice recipes like pilaf or fried rice. These things can put extra stress on your mouth as it heals.

Other Soft Foods: If you don't like rice, there are many different soft foods that you can eat. You can eat mashed potatoes, applesauce, yoghurt, boiled eggs, and well-cooked pasta in the soft food phase.

Remember that these are just suggestions. Always follow what your doctor tells you and pay attention to your body. If you focus on ultra-soft consistency and follow these tips, you can get the benefits of rice while helping your body heal more quickly.

Oral Hygiene After Rice and Other Soft Foods to Keep Things Clean

Rice can help you feel better, but even the smallest grains can leave behind small bits. Brushing and flossing your teeth after eating rice or other soft food ensures you heal quickly. How to do it:

  • Remember that gentle rinsing is your friend: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after every meal. This removes any food particles that might irritate the extraction site or encourage bacteria growth.

  • This is Saltwater Rinse Magic: Mix half a teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water. This will make a salty rinse. Gently swish your mouth for about 30 seconds, moving your head to ensure the solution reaches all parts of your mouth. Do not spit or rinse your mouth hard, which can move the blood clot.[3]

Don't forget

  • Be Gentle: Brushing your teeth is essential, but be extra gentle around the extraction site during the soft food phase. Try not to use a rough toothbrush or soap.

  • Be careful when flossing: If you usually floss, talk to your dentist about when to start doing it again after surgery. If you floss too soon, you might make the wound worse.

You can get rid of food bits and keep your digestive tract clean by gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water after eating rice or other soft food while your wisdom teeth heal.


Soft, cooked rice can be valuable to your wisdom teeth recovery diet. Here's a quick recap:

  • Timing is critical:  Wait at least 24 hours before introducing rice to allow the initial clot to form.

  • Embrace the mush: Aim for a highly soft, mushy rice consistency for effortless swallowing.

  • Skip the crunch: Avoid complex, crunchy rice dishes or fried rice.

  • Cleanliness is king:  Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water after eating to remove food particles.


  • Always consider the specific dietary recommendations made by your dentist.

  • Focus on a healing diet rich in soft, nutritious foods for optimal recovery.

Have questions or concerns?  Feel free to consult your dentist for personalised guidance. A smooth recovery starts with clear communication and following your dentist's instructions.


Can I eat rice after wisdom teeth removal?

Yes, but time is significant. You should usually wait at least 24 hours after surgery to let the first clot form at the extraction site. Once you're better, cooked soft rice can be a great addition to your diet. 

What kind of rice is best?

You can use either white or brown rice. The important thing is to make sure it's cooked until it's very soft and mushy. To get the right consistency, cook the rice for longer or use a rice maker.

What should I avoid with rice?

  • Complex, crunchy rice dishes: Avoid fried rice, pilaf, or rice with added textures like nuts or vegetables.

  • Spicy or acidic ingredients: These can irritate the extraction site.

How do I clean my mouth after eating rice?

Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water after each meal. Dissolve half a teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water, swish for 30 seconds, and avoid forceful rinsing or spitting.

When should I consult my dentist?

  • If you have any questions or concerns about your recovery or diet.

  • If you experience any discomfort after eating rice, such as pain or irritation at the extraction site.



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Antonio D. Miller

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